Xtend Porch Windows

Have your dream outdoor living space that remains CLEAN and DRY! 

Xtend Porch Windows provide the most functionality for enclosing your porch. Open the windows for 75% ventilation and the feeling of an outdoor space. Or, simply close the windows to keep out rain, wind, dust, and snow.

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Xtend Porch Windows

Our Xtend Porch Windows combine the open feeling of a screen room and the comfort and convenience of a three-season porch.

With our windows, you can stop the dust, rain, and snow from taking over your space. Custom-made windows will fit into your existing porch openings for an easy installation usually with no framing modifications required.

Xtend Porch Windows are available in four powder coated aluminum frame colors to get the perfect look and function you desire.


How Xtend Porch Windows Work

Style, safety, and flexible design are the cornerstones of Xtend Porch Windows. Our porch windows are built with the durable Flexible Vinyl Glazing that keeps out the harmful UV rays of the sun. The nylon guide tracks allow smooth operation, opening each window up or down for up to 75% ventilation.

Xtend Porch Windows are easily installed and can convert any area into your favorite three-season room in the house! You CAN have your dream outdoor living space that remains CLEAN and DRY! 

These maintenance-free units are custom-made to your specifications and can be serviced at any time.

Mulled Units

Xtend Porch Windows

Mulled units allow you to fit any porch window opening

Mulled Units

Xtend porch windows can be mulled together into double or triple wide units. We make them in our factory so they can be shipped as single units and mulled together on the job site. 

  • Single window units are custom-made to your desired opening. Sizes up to 48" wide and 108" tall.
  • Double window units are custom-made to your desired opening. Sizes up to 96" wide and 108" tall.
  • Triple window units are custom made to your desired opening sizes up to 144” wide and 108” tall.
  • Mulled units have an additional 1" of aluminum between the window frames.
V4T Single-01-1
V4T Double-01
V4T Triple-01-1

Xtend Porch Windows Installation

You have the option to install your own Xtend Porch Windows if you'd prefer to opt out of professional installation. The following video shows step-by-step instructions on how to properly install them.

Single Window Install

Mulled Window Install

Porch Window Colors

Frame Color Options

Xtend Porch Windows are available in four powder coated aluminum frame colors to match your style.

Color Guide-1-1

Product Benefits

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Stop Wasting Time with Bugs, Dust, Rain, & Snow

Transform Your Porch

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